IP to Domain Append
Get domain and details of any business starting from an IP address.
What's in an IP to Domain Append?
Discover details about businesses starting from an IP address. The IP-to-Domain Append accepts a single IP address (IPv4) and returns up to 3 business domains along with the firmographic information for each business found, which includes:
- Domain
- Basic business information
- Postal address
- Industry, NAICS, SIC
- Number of employees
- Sales volume
- Year founded
Get Your Input List Ready
IP to Domain Append allows you to append a business person and firmographic detail starting from an IP Address.
For Versium REACH to search and find the correct record, your input list needs to include the following inputs:
- An IP address (IPv4)
For more information, see Prepare Your Business Lists for Import.
Create an IP to Domain Append
- From Home, select IP to Domain.
- On the Import List step, select a .csv file to upload, click Use an existing list to select a list from a project, or click Import from HubSpot and choose a list (if you've connected your HubSpot account) and click Next Step.
- If prompted, Map the inputs in your list to Versium REACH inputs. Select the down arrow to map your list columns to the appropriate Versium input. When you're done, click Next Step.
- Create or choose a project for your list, and click Create.
Versium REACH will start creating your appended list. You can leave this screen and come back later when your insights are complete to see List Insights and export your audience.
- To export your audience or see List Insights, go to the project you saved it in, and select the audience list. Open the action menu to export the audience as a .csv or click Export as CSV.
What can you do with an IP to Domain Append?
After completing the IP to Domain Append, your appended list can be use directly for your needs. If you wish, you can use Versium REACH to perform an Account Based List for additional attributes or a Online Audience Append to be used on social platforms (such as HubSpot, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google).
What's Next?
Updated 11 months ago