Consumer Insights on Your Consumer Lists
Visualize key aspects of the people on your list.
Ever wanted to get a quick view into who was on your marketing lists? List Insights does just that, with visualizations that help you see who your customers are. The visual view of the demographics of the people on a list let you see who they are at a glance, rather than having to analyze a spreadsheet to get insights. List Insights are available for all input lists and all created audiences.
What are List Insights?
In List Insights, you’ll see:
- Charts, graphs, and maps summarizing key demographics like location and household.
- Insight tiles that give you a view into the intersections of who these people are. So, for example, you might see that your list consists of mostly women aged 45-54.
- Details Page, on the top left you can click on "Details" and this will display a page with the details of the list/audience used to generate the insights.
- Share and Download, on the top right you will find icons that will enable you to share and/or download your Insights.
What needs to be on your list to get List Insights?
You can get list insights on any of the input files you import and on the final appended file themselves. If you just want to see List Insights for a list, your input list needs to include, at a minimum, any of the following combinations of inputs:
- Email Address
- Phone* Postal Address, City, State, ZIP
- First Name, Last Name, ZIP
- First Name, Last Name, City, State
For example, two input lists that work would be a list with just a Email Address, and a list with the First Name, Last Name, ZIP.
For more information, see Prepare Your Consumer Lists for Import . For an input list template, see Consumer Input List Template .
See List Insights for an Imported List or Appended List
List Insights are available for every list in Versium REACH. Just select a project, and then select an imported list or an appended list. Versium REACH loads and displays your List Insights.
List Insights are available once an appended file is completed. If a list is still being created, you may need to wait a few minutes until your insights are available.
Get List Insights for a New List
If you want to get List Insights for a new list, here's how you do it.
- From home, or within a project, click List Insights.
- In the Import List step, select a .csv file to upload, or click Use an existing list to select a list from a project, and click Next Step.
- If prompted, Map the inputs in your list to Versium REACH inputs. Select the down arrow to map your list columns to the appropriate Versium input. When you're done, click Next Step.
- Create or choose a project for your list, and click Create.
Versium REACH will start creating your List Insights. You can leave this screen and come back later when your insights are complete. - To see your List Insights, go to the project you saved it in, and select the list. List Insights give you a visual view into your audience.
What can you do with List Insights
Here are some of the things you can do with your list insights:
- Share your Insights - you can share the Insights with you contacts via email or link.
- Download your Insights - you can download your Insights to your device as .PDF or .PNG
- Personalize your marketing campaigns — Review your list insights to see where the prospects on the list are similar, and craft your sales and marketing messages to appeal to people with those attributes.
- Get a broad view of your customers — More clearly see the makeup of your audience.
Updated 11 months ago